Random Memory: No One Even Remembers You!

This weekend I was reminded of one of the emotional abuse techniques that the Narcissist used to use to make me feel worthless. The Narcissist had successfully cut me off from pretty much everyone I knew before I met him. In the end I only had limited relationships with some of my family members and not […]

Thoughts on Closure

I’ve had a few “major” breakups in my life and have experienced the feeling of closure of a relationship in a few different ways… There was my first ‘real’ boyfriend a 3 year high school relationship. He broke up with me for a girl that worked at the super market with him… who he was […]

Analogy Hell

The more work I do to unravel my own reality from the reality that the Narcissist was desperately trying to drill into my head, the more I start to realize the various techniques that came into play to keep me continually confused. Two of the main methods that my Narcissist used frequently were Cognitive Dissonance […]

I’m Special Too Dammit!

Today’s rant is brought to you by my breaking the no contact rule. Every time I do it there is a logical reason for it, and then I suffer as a result. In the several times I have broken my own no contact rule I have been left feeling used, foolish, stupid, worthless… and ANGRY. […]

The Narcissistic Perfectionist

There are so many things about being in a relationship with a narcissist that can cause you psychological and emotional damage. Just one of the many things that my Narcissist had going on was the never-ending quest for perfection. Over time, I believed this morphed into full-blown OCD, but in the beginning it started out […]

Narcissists Suck The Life Out of You

Its been an emotional week for me. I had a pretty intense EMDR / Brainspotting session on Monday night and ever since I have been feeling pretty raw and emotional. I have cried at random on several occasions… while cooking, when a sad song came on my playlist, while driving home from work. I’m talking deep […]